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中文题目: 清末中医对西药的批评
作 者: 王传超    
刊物名称: 科学文化评论
发表年度: 2014
卷: 11
期: 1
页码: 60-68
中文摘要: 晚清时期,中医传统中的“番药”淡出,西药依托完全独立于中医的另一种医学文化走上前台。但中医界在鸦片战争之后的很长一段时期里,对此并没有清晰的认识,他们对西药的批评仍是中医药传统理论的延伸,只不过表现形式有所变化,甚至有人对经典做出了新的解读,将西药也包含在《内经》的框架之中。
英文摘要: During the late Qing dynasty, along with the fade out of the traditional concept of foreign drugs (fan yao), western drugs came to the fore relying on another medicine cultural which completely different to Traditional Chinese Medicine. But the Chinese medicine practitioners had no clear picture of this situation in a long time. Their criticisms on the western drugs were still be the extension of the theory of traditional Chinese Medicine, although the forms of expression had some differences. For instance, a famous physician made a new interpretation of the classic of Traditional Chinese Medicine, then western drugs was included in this framework also

