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中文题目: 西方文艺复兴时期解刨学的两重性:以维萨留斯为中心
作 者: 洪性烈    
刊物名称: 科学文化评论
发表年度: 2014
卷: 11
期: 1
页码: 40-49
中文摘要: 西方解剖学在文艺复兴时期发生了重要的变化,它明显地不同于中世纪,在如何看待盖伦时又分成两个时期,维萨留斯就处在这个分界点上。维萨留斯之前的解剖学受到盖伦的绝对影响;在他之后对盖伦进行全面批评的风气出现。就维萨留斯本人而言,他的解剖学也呈现了革新与保守的两重性。可以说,维萨留斯在解剖学上的认识过程就像是整个文艺复兴时期解剖学发展的缩影,西方解剖学就是基于这种对立统一的辩证规律发展的。
英文摘要: A significant change occurred in the Western anatomy during Renaissance, so it was obviously different from that of the middle ages. It could be divided into two periods in accordance with the attitude to Claudius Galen, and Andreas Vesalius was just in the transition point. Before Vesalius the anatomy was deeply influenced by Galen, afterwards the atmosphere to treat Galen critically had appeared. As for Vesalius himself, his anatomy also displayed duality mixing innovativeness and conservatism. So to speak,the recognition process that Vesalius expressed in anatomy is like an epitome of the development of anatomy in the whole Renaissance times, and the Western anatomy had developed in such a dialectic way of antinomy.

