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中文题目: 苏联在德国复原V-2火箭的机构与人才建设(1945~1946)
作 者: 王芳    
刊物名称: 自然科学史研究
发表年度: 2014
卷: 33
期: 1
页码: 113-130
中文摘要: 第二次世界大战末,苏联人夺得部分V-2火箭关键核心技术和德国专家。他们通过对人才的招募与对火箭产品和仪器设备等的搜集,找到掌握德国火箭技术的一条有效路径。在此过程中建立起学习德国经验的机构,不仅完成技术图纸、文件、火箭及其技术设备等的复原,还培养和锻炼了本国开展火箭武器研制的技术人才和技术管理人才。基于俄文档案、苏德专家回忆录及其他文献的研读,文章主要从人才与机构两个方面考察苏联人如何在德国复原V-2火箭,从而为后世独立研发奠定基础。
英文摘要: Towards the end of World War II, the Soviets got parts of core technology of the V-2 rocket and several German specialists. They found an effective way to master the technology of V-2 rocket by searching for its apparatus and equipment and recruiting talents. During this period, by digesting German experience, the Soviets built organizations which not only managed to finish technical drawings and documents of the rocket and reconstruct its technical equipment, but also cultivated and trained technological and managerial talents for its own country in researching rocket weapon. Based on Russian archives, memoirs of both Soviet and German experts and other documents. Focusing on talents and organization, this paper mainly analyses how the Soviets "reconstructed" the V-2 rockets in Germany which laid the foundation for the independent research of the Soviet Union in the future.

