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中文题目: 《天工开物》所附《琢玉图》考
作 者: 关晓武    
刊物名称: 中国科技史料
发表年度: 2014
卷: 35
期: 4
页码: 459-470
中文摘要: 《天工开物》是最早记载和图示琢玉机的文献。自1637年初版刊行以来,在翻刻和传抄过程中,出现了多种版本。文章重点考察和对比了《天工开物》几个版本中“珠玉”篇的相关琢玉文字和《琢玉图》,将图示琢玉机划分为框架型、完整型和扩展型三种型式,初步解读了前两种类型是否存在实物原型和相互关系的6种可能性。
英文摘要: Song Yingxing’s Tian Gong Kai Wu (Illustrated Description of Handicrafts and Industries) of 1637 was the first work to include a description and illustration of the so-called zhuoyu ji (jade carving machine). To date, more than ten editions in printed and manuscript form of the Tian Gong Kai Wu are extant. Differences exist in both the text and illustrations among these editions, which provide a large amount of technical information, but also give rise to difficulties concerning the study of jade carving crafts and texts during Song Yingxing’s time. This article focuses on the text about jade carving and the Zhuoyu Tu (Illustration of jade carving) in several of the editions available, and divides the zhuoyu ji depicted in these illustrations into three types - frame type, integrated type and extended type. It provides a preliminary interpretation on six possibilities whether physical prototypes of the frame type and integrated type ever actually existed, and how they may relate to each other.

