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中文题目: 新文化运动时期的北京大学数理学会
作 者: 郭金海    
刊物名称: 自然科学史研究
发表年度: 2014
卷: 33
期: 4
页码: 494-508
中文摘要: 北京大学数理学会是新文化运动时期具有一定影响和代表性的高校科技社团。1919至1921年,该会通过发刊《北京大学数理杂志》激励了一批会员撰写或译介相关文章,传播了多方面的现代数学、物理学知识。这对当时便于国人学习和研究现代数学、物理学与了解国际动态具有不容忽视的价值和意义。不过,该刊所刊国人自撰的具有一定学术创新的文章较少,有的译文不乏错误和问题。除发刊杂志外,该会在邀请专家演讲和指导、对外交流和联络方面也付出不小的努力,在组织和制度建设方面亦有一定的作为。但由于缺乏经费、北大的激烈动荡及社会环境的影响,成立不到5年便退出历史舞台。因此,它没有对北大数学系、物理系学生与现代数学、物理学在中国的传播产生持久的影响。
英文摘要: The Mathematico-Physical Society of the Government University of Peking has a certain influence and representativeness in societies of science and technology of universities and colleges during the period of new culture movement. From 1919 to 1921, the society inspired a group of its members in writing and translating related articles, and disseminated many aspects of knowledge in the fields of modern mathematics and modern physics through publishing the Mathematico-Physical Journal of the Government University of Peking. At that time, the journal had indispensable value and significance to facilitate the learning and research of modern mathematics & physics and the understanding of international research status. However, the journal’s papers with academic innovation are quite few. And there are some errors and problems in its manuscripts of translation. Besides publishing the journal, the society also made efforts in inviting experts to give lectures and instruction, communicating with other units, and had a certain achievements in construction of organization and system as well. But due to lack of funds, intense turbulence of the university, and the influence of social environment, the society stepped down from the stage of history no more than 5 years form its establishment. Therefore, the society didn’t has a lasting impact on students of the department of mathematics and the department of physics, and the dissemination of modern mathematics and modern physics.

