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中文题目: 有机化合物中文命名的演进:1908~1932
作 者: 何涓    
刊物名称: 自然科学史研究
发表年度: 2014
卷: 33
期: 4
页码: 479-493
中文摘要: 考察了1908~1932年提出的有机物中文命名方案的命名方法与译名特点。论证了:在命名方法上,绝大多数人参照《日内瓦命名法》创制中文有机名词;1908年虞和钦选择根据西文普通名称拟定名词体系,是出于编辑教科书的需要,以及“普及”“中小学儿童”“普通教育”的考虑。在译名特点上,几乎所有方案都拟造了新字;绝大多数方案在用字上采用了意译法,有时兼用象形法。指出,1932年颁布的《化学命名原则》为中文化学名词确立了统一的标准,在有机物的中文命名上,以《日内瓦命名法》为依据;所造新字与汉字字形相符,字形不显生僻;在用字上大胆革新,提出“取字应以谐声为主,会意次之,不重象形”的定名总则。
英文摘要: This paper investigates the naming methods and translation features of the Chinese proposals for nomenclature of organic compounds. It argues that, as regards the naming methods, most people consulted the Geneva nomenclature to draft the Chinese terms for organic compounds. Motivated by compiling textbooks and “popularizing” “common education” for “primary and middle school children”, Yu Heqin built his terminology on common western terms in 1908. As regards the translation features, almost all proposals created new characters; and most proposals preferred associative or/and pictograph characters. The Nomenclature of Chemistry approved in 1932 established unified standard for Chinese chemical terms. It constructed the Chinese names for organic compounds according to the Geneva nomenclature. The forms of its new-coined characters were consistent with those of the existing Chinese characters and did not appear eccentric. Concerning the Chinese characters used for nomenclature, it boldly put forward the general principle that “in the choice of characters phonograms are preferred, associative characters come second, and pictographic characters are not valued.”

