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中文题目: 《律吕纂要》内容来源初探
作 者: 王冰    
刊物名称: 自然科学史研究
发表年度: 2014
卷: 33
期: 4
页码: 411-426
中文摘要: 文章试图探讨来华葡萄牙耶稣会士徐日升著述的《律吕纂要》的内容来源,认为:德国著名学者阿塔纳修斯•基歇尔与来华耶稣会士的交往,以及他的许多著作流传到中国,很可能导致了《律吕纂要》中的一些内容取材于基歇尔的著作《音乐全书》。其结果是《律吕纂要》将中世纪晚期至17世纪的欧洲音乐理论,即有关记谱法、音、音程、音阶、拍子、节奏、速度等方面的乐理基本知识,最早介绍到中国。
英文摘要: This article is intended to explore the sources of the contents of a work Lülü Zuan Yao(《律吕纂要》), which was written by the Portuguese Jesuit Tomás Pereira (1645-1708) before 1707, probably in the 1680’s, and unpublished while retaining its manuscript and transcripts. It points out that the German outstanding scholar Athanasius Kircher (1601-1680) was associated with some Jesuits who came to China, and a lot of his works were brought to China by Jesuits when he was living. These probably helped to bring about the introduction of some contents in his Musurgia Universalis (Rome, 1650) into China. The present author considers that some contents in Lülü Zuan Yao originated from Musurgia Universalis. In result, the work Lülü Zuan Yao firstly introduced into China the elementary knowledge of musical theory in Europe, including notation, tone, interval, scale, metre, rhythm and tempo, dating from the late period of the Middle Ages to the 17th century.

