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中文题目: 再谈磁性指向仪“司南”——兼与孙机先生商榷
作 者: 戴念祖    
刊物名称: 自然科学史研究
发表年度: 2014
卷: 33
期: 4
页码: 385-393
中文摘要: 长期以来,科技史界不少人认为汉代王充《论衡》中“司南之杓”是磁性指向仪。近年来,孙机先生据宋残本《论衡》中“司南之杓”的“杓”字写为“酌”,从而训诂“司南”为指南车,并对前者观点加以抨击。文章指出宋残本《论衡》中“酌”为错字,孙机的训诂不成立。“司南”为磁性指向仪之说未为撼动。
英文摘要: Over a long period of time, there has been no lack of science and technology historians who consider. The spoon of the Si Nan(司南) to be a magnetic south pointer. Recentury Mr. Sun Ji explained the spoon south-pointing carriage according to the word Shao(杓) as the word “Shuo” in an incomplete book of Lun Heng ( Discourses Weighed in the Balance ) of the Song Dynasty, and thus attacked the viewpoint of his predecessors. This paper points out the word Zhuo(酌)to be mistaken. The exegetics of Sun Ji is untenable. The theory of magnetic south-pointer is even not shaken at all.

