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中文题目: Penicillin(青霉素)中译名的变迁
作 者: 徐丁丁    
刊物名称: 中国科技史料
发表年度: 2015
卷: 36
期: 3
页码: 325-335
中文摘要: 青霉素(penicillin)是世界上发现的第一种抗生素,它于20世纪40年代传入中国。作为一种高效的抗感染药物,青霉素同时吸引了大众和科学家群体的注意,这也导致penicillin 的多种音译名和意译名长期并存混用。中华人民共和国建立后,经名词审定工作,确立“青霉素”为penicillin的中文译名。在当代,随着抗生素科学的发展,音译名作为药名的优势重新被发掘出来。这一译名的变迁过程,既是抗生素科学在中国早期发展的一个缩影,也反映了大众和科学家群体在科学发展与传播中扮演的不同角色
英文摘要: Penicillin was the first antibiotic discovered in the world. As a highly-efficient anti-infection drug, it was introduced to China in the 1940s, attracting great public and scientific attention. A variety of transcription names and free translation names for penicillin co-existed and were widely used for about ten years, until the official name of qingmeisu was confirmed during the work on term standardization after 1949. Nowadays, with the progress of antibiotic science and the increasing number of drugs, the advantages of transcription for drug names has been rediscovered and used. The transformations of the term used for penicillin, not only serves as an epitome for the early development of antibiotic science in China, but reflects the different roles the public and scientists played in the development and transmission of science as well

