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中文题目: 海进海退和大陆漂移之地球“沧桑”史——葛利普的脉动和极控理论
英文题目: The Vicissitudes of the Earth in the Light of Trans-& Regression and Sial-crust Shifting: Amadeus W. Grabau's Pulsation and Polar Control Theories
作 者: 孙承晟    
刊物名称: 自然科学史研究
发表年度: 2015
卷: 34
期: 4
页码: 470-486
中文摘要: 葛利普(Amadeus W.Grabau,1870~1946)的科学贡献主要在于古生物学和地层学,以及在此基础上所提出的全球性脉动和极控理论。因其着眼点在于整个地球之历史,故后者更受其重视。本文对葛氏脉动理论的产生、发展、影响及相关背景进行了新的探讨,指出该理论在1913年的《地层学原理》一书中即有发端,至1933年发表于《时事日报》(The Peiping Chronicle)的文章奠定基本框架,同年在美国的第16届国际地质大会正式提出。葛氏自美国返回中国后,在与国内学者深入讨论的基础上,对该理论进行了修正、发展,并与极控理论相结合,1940年以《年代的节律》(The Rhythm of the Ages)一书进行系统的总结。脉动理论以全球性的海进和海退解释规律性地层的形成,并对地层(尤其是古生界)作了新的划分;极控理论则以魏格纳大陆漂移说为基础,用来说明硅铝圈在地球自转的带动下围绕两极的运动,并作为脉动理论的补充,说明规律沉积中的不规则性。这两个理论虽引起不小的反响,但揆诸实际,还是因太过理想主义而未能得到进一步的发展。
英文摘要: Amadeus W. Grabau ( 1870-1946) ,a world famous paleontologist and geologist of the 20th century,made outstanding contributions to paleontology,stratigraphy,and advanced global pulsation theory and polar control theory. He focused his attention on the latter topic. This paper,a new investigation of the development and influence of his pulsation theory,argues that this theory can be traced back to the Principles of Paleontology in 1913. Its framework was then laid out in an article published in The Peiping Chronicle in 1933,and was formally presented at the 16th International Geological Congress ( Washington,USA) in the same year. After returning to China,Grabau revised and developed the theory based on communications with Chinese scholars,systematically summarizing it in The Rhythm of the Ages in 1940,along with the polar control theory. With the pulsation theory, Grabau explained and gave a new ( Paleozoic) stratigraphic classification based on global transgressions and regressions; while with the polar control theory,mainly based on Alfred Wegener's theory of continental drift,he demonstrated sial-crust shifting around the polar axis owing to the impetus of the Earth's rotation. Here he also tried to explain the irregularity of sedimentation,which should be rhythmic according to his pulsation theory. Though these two theories had worldwide influence at the time, they could not,however,on the basis of fact,be further developed due to being over-idealistic.

