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中文题目: 他从文献走来——读真柳诚《黄帝医籍研究》
英文题目: Book Review of Research on Medical Books Related to Huang Di by Makoto Mayanagi
作 者: 廖育群    
刊物名称: 中国科技史杂志
发表年度: 2015
卷: 36
期: 4
页码: 488-497
中文摘要: 有关中医学基础理论奠基时期经典的研究,历来与那些原著一样广受国内外医史界,乃至历史、文化领域中许多学者的关注。真柳诚的新作《黄帝医籍研究》,虽植根于这片屡被精耕的熟土之上,却仍不乏精彩之处。据悉,旅日中国学者郭秀梅已开始汉译此书,故仅藉此文先对其研究结论概加介绍;同时,就贯穿于老友新作之字里行间的治学路径、所得之由略作铺陈;最终归结于强调学术研究成果的终极价值,在于成为修订教科书(通识教育)的基础,并由此构成新研究的起点。
英文摘要: The study of classic works of the foundational period of the basic theory of traditional Chinese Medicine,has always,like the books themselves,attracted considerable attention from domestic and foreign scholars of the history of medicine,as well as of history and culture. Although Research on Medical Books Related to Huang Di,a new work by Makoto Mayanagi,is another book on this mature topic,it is not without its excellent points. Guo Xiumei,a Chinese scholar,has already begun to translate this book,so this review is merely an introduction to the work’s research conclusions. In addition,this review introduces the research paths and methods of this book. Finally,the review concludes that the ultimate value of the results of academic research is to be the basis for the revision of textbooks or general education,and thus form the starting point of new research.

