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中文题目: 忆峥嵘岁月 探学史新元——李兆华教授访谈录
英文题目: From Seeking Knowledge to Studying the History of Mathematics in China:An Interview with Professor LI Zhaohua
作 者: 郭金海、李兆华    
刊物名称: 广西民族大学学报(自然科学版)
发表年度: 2018
卷: 24
期: 2
页码: 1-7
中文摘要: 作为我国著名数学史家,李兆华教授追忆了从小学到研究生阶段的求学经历,回顾了1978年以来从事中国数学史研究的情况,讲述了在天津师范大学创办数学史学科的往事与中国数学史研究心得.这篇访谈录展现了一位数学史家在社会变迁中的成长历程与他的学术成就、治学思想,反映了他对天津师范大学数学系发展与数学史人才培养做出的贡献.
英文摘要: As a famous historian of mathematics in China,professor Li Zhaohua recalls his experiences of seeking knowledge from primary school to becoming agraduate student,and looks back his research on the history of mathematics in China since 1978.Moreover,he tells about the past events of establishing the discipline of history of mathematics in Tianjin Normal University and what he has learned from studying the history of mathematics in China.This interview shows the growth process of a historian of mathematics in social change and his academic achievement and thought about academic pursuits,reflects his contribution to the development and training of bright people in the field of history of mathematics in Tianjin Normal University.

