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中文题目: 微粒论视野中的牛顿环与光的“阵发”理论
英文题目: Newton’s Rings in the Light of Corpuscular Optics and the Theory of “Fits”
作 者: 樊小龙    
刊物名称: 自然辩证法通讯
发表年度: 2018
卷: 40
期: 10
页码: 17-22
中文摘要: 牛顿环实验以其前所未有的技巧和精度为实验科学树立了光辉典范,然而,牛顿基于该实验而创立的光的阵发理论却历来为人所诟病,这一反差迄今未得到有效解释。本文剖析了牛顿环实验以及牛顿对该实验现象的观察、描述与理论分析过程,揭示了光的微粒论思想在此过程中的关键作用:牛顿在观察牛顿环图像并对其作定性描述时即掉入了一种"微粒论陷阱",并通过后续的一系列逻辑传导过程,最终导致了光的阵发理论的失败。
英文摘要: Newton’s rings experiment set up a splendid model for experimental sciences by its unprecedented skill and precision. However, the theory of Fits, which Newton founded on and for this experiment, suffered criticism for a long time. Such a weird contrast has never been fully accounted for. This article has comprehensively analyzed the series of experiments on Newton’s rings, as well as Newton’s observation, description and explanation on its phenomena. By doing this, I revealed the key role of the concept of corpuscular theory of light played in the process. That is, in the very beginning when Newton tried to observe and determine the nature of the image of Newton’s rings, he slipped into a “corpuscular trap” unconsciously, and this problem diffused with a series of logic inferences, and finally led to the problematic theory of “Fits”.

