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中文题目: 罗德民、芬次尔在中国的科学研究、人际关系与社会影响
英文题目: Scientific Research,Interpersonal Relationship and Social Influence of Lowdermilk and Fenzel in China
作 者: 刘亮    
刊物名称: 北京林业大学学报(社会科学版)
发表年度: 2018
卷: 17
期: 3
页码: 28-33
中文摘要: 美籍土壤保持学家罗德民和德籍林学家芬次尔是民国时期来华工作的西方科学家中两位极具代表性的人物。他们都曾在德国学习林学,都先后两次来华,都在大学任教并在政府部门兼任职务,都为中国相关省份的农林事业发展提出过规划,也曾为促进中国和各自国家的人员、科学交流作出过贡献。他们都充分利用中国的地理环境开启了各自研究林学和土壤侵蚀的事业,也和中国政界、学术界人士有不同程度的交往。通过分析他们来华的背景、与政界及学界的关系、个人性格及社会影响等问题,可以展现这一人群在华开展工作以及适应中国社会的过程。
英文摘要: American soil conservationist Lowdermilk and German forester Fenzel are two representatives of the western scientists who came to China during the period of the Republic of China. Both of them had studied forestry in Germany and had visited China twice. They both taught at universities and hold concurrent posts in government departments. They proposed plans for the development of agriculture and forestry in related provinces,and also promoted personnel and science exchange between China and their own countries. They both made full use of China's geographical environment to start their own studies of forestry and soil erosion,and also had different levels of contacts with Chinese political and academic circles. This paper tries to analyze the backgrounds of their visit to China,the relationship with the political and academic communities,personality and social influence,and demonstrates the process of this group of people working in China and adapting to Chinese society.

