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中文题目: 近代中国矿冶工程师群体的形成(1875~1929)
英文题目: The Formation of the Community of Mining and Metallurgy Engineers in Modern China (1875 ~ 1929)
作 者: 雷丽芳 潜伟 方一兵    
刊物名称: 自然科学史研究
发表年度: 2018
卷: 37
期: 1
页码: 55-70
中文摘要: 在中国近代工业化进程中,矿冶业是继军工业外最早受到重视的产业,而矿冶工程师作为近代矿冶技术的人力承担者,在矿冶事业的发展过程中发挥了不可替代的作用。文章通过史料挖掘与统计分析,系统还原近代中国矿冶工程师群体的形成过程,并通过这一历史过程来展示近代中国本土矿冶技术能力的演化与形成。
英文摘要: In the process of industrialization of modern China, the mining and metallurgy industry was the first to be valued along-side that of the military. Hence, mining and metallurgy engineers played a vital role in the development of the mining and metallurgy industry. Through research on historical data and statistical analysis, this paper systematically restores the formation of the community of mining and metallurgy engineers in modern China, revealing the evolution of China's domestic capacity in mining and metallurgy technology in modern times.

