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中文题目: 抗战前十年的中国矿冶工程学会
英文题目: The Chinese Institute of Mining & Metallurgy in the Decade before the War of Resistance Against Japan
作 者: 雷丽芳 方一兵 潜伟    
刊物名称: 自然辩证法通讯
发表年度: 2018
卷: 40
期: 4
页码: 74-80
中文摘要: 从1927年南京国民政府建立至1937年抗日战争全面爆发,这一时期国内政局相对较为稳定,中国近代工业得到了暂时相对宽松与自由的发展环境,但近代工业化中能源与材料基础产业——矿冶业在这一时期的发展却不尽如人意。本文从矿冶专门工程学术团体——中国矿冶工程学会入手,通过挖掘相关史料,探讨该时期中国矿冶工程学会在矿业法与矿冶业发展、矿冶科学技术知识传播、矿冶科研学术等方面所做的努力,并指出受当时矿冶事业发展曲折以及政府支持力度不足的双重约束,中国矿冶工程学会所能发挥的作用与原始预期存在一定偏差。
英文摘要: From the establishment of Nanjing national government in 1927 to the outbreak of the full-scale War of Resistance against Japan in 1937, the domestic political situation of China was relatively stable, and there was a relatively loose and free economic environment for Chinese modern industry development. However, in terms of mining industry, the energy and material basis of modern industry, its development failed to meet expectations. This paper takes the Chinese Institute of Mining & Metallurgy as an example. By historical data research, it probes into the efforts made by the institute on the regulations, industry development strategy, the knowledge dissemination and academic research in the period, and points out that under the dual constraints of the tortuous development of mining & metallurgical industry and the lack of support from government, the role played by the Chinese Institute of Mining & Metallurgy was deviated from the original expectation.

