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中文题目: The earlist western-trained engineers in China's iron and steel industry
英文题目: The earlist western-trained engineers in China's iron and steel industry
作 者: FANG Yibing; QIAN Wei    潜伟
刊物名称: Philosophy of Engineering, east and west: Boston studies in the philosophy and history of science
发表年度: 2018
页码: 173-186
英文摘要: Early industrialization of iron and steel production in Chins began with establishment of the Hanyang Iron Works at the end of the nineteenth century, which in the early twentieth century became the Hanyephing Coal and Iron Limited Company. In order to develop its own expertise, the Hanyehping Company sent some ten Chinese students to Western countries to study metallurgy. These students would later become the first generation of Chinese iron and steel engineers and play a crucial role in the modernization of iron and steel technologies and industrialization in China. This article focuses on some foreign study experiences of these engineers and their subsequent working lives in Chins, from 1894 to 1925, thus providing insight into how the modern Chinese iron and steel industry was established and how the earliest efforts to transplant Western metallurgy technology in Chins were made.

