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中文题目: 民国时期中苏合办独山子油矿谈判研究
英文题目: Research on the Sino-Soviet Negotiation of Dushanzi Oil Mine
作 者: 孙松 方一兵    方一兵
刊物名称: 工程研究——跨学科视野中的工程
发表年度: 2018
期: 1
页码: 23-31
中文摘要: 新疆独山子油矿是中国最早发现和开发的油气田之一,最先由盛世才政府和苏 联政府口头约定合作开发,新疆当局与苏联合营期间取得了不错进展。盛世才和苏联政府关 系破裂后,中苏双方开始合办独山子油矿谈判,几个月后以失败告终。通过对相关资料的挖 掘,回顾了独山子油矿的地质考察和新疆当局与苏联合营时期的发展状况,梳理了中苏合办 独山子油矿谈判过程,探析了谈判失败原因和影响。在此基础上讨论民国时期中苏关系背景 下我国油矿工程的特殊性以及影响其发展的外在因素,以此体现工程技术发展的社会性选择 的特点
英文摘要: Dushanzi oil mine in Xinjiang is one of the earliest exploited oil and gas fields in modern China.It was initially exploited by Sheng Shicai administration and oviet government just by verbal agreement. After the breakup of relations between Sheng Shicai and the Soviet Union, China and the Soviet Union began to negotiate on Dushanzi oilfield, the negotiation failed after several months. Based on the search for relevant materials, the history of geological investigation and the evelopment of Dushanzi oil field before the negotiation were described,the whole negotiation process and the reasons and effects of negotiation's failure were xplored. Through which the particularities of Chinese early oil mine engineering were discussed. Moreover, the external factors beyond the technology which became the key factor influencing the development of Chinese oil mine engineering in the Republic of China were reflected in Dushanzi Case. Finally, the characteristics of social selection of engineering and technology development were reflected.

