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中文题目: 盖钮铸铆式分铸的商代青铜器研究
英文题目: A Study of the Zhumao Casting-Technique Bronze of the Shang Dynasty
作 者: 苏荣誉    董韦
刊物名称: 中原文物
发表年度: 2018
期: 1
页码: 80-94
中文摘要: 自二里岗上层时期出现带盖青铜器,盖钮即其一个组成部分,且其制作有浑铸与分铸之别。本文搜集和研究钮分铸青铜器,先讨论两件钮先铸器,再讨论铸铆式后铸钮诸器,并与浑铸钮和榫接式分铸钮的器物相对照。铸铆式后铸工艺可上溯至二里岗晚期,可能与南方青铜器的风格形成有关,可视为南方铸铜作坊个别铸工的秘技。先施于器鋬和器耳的后铸,中商晚期用于铸造器钮,但初期铸接的铆头粗糙,至殷墟早期设计为蝉形或圆饼形,并有装饰。对这一工艺历程的梳理,可以揭示出铸铆式后铸传入安阳的过程:铸工被迁到安阳铸器,器物具有南方工艺特色;但他们受到排挤,铸器有限,且传人很少,以至此技在殷墟晚期消失。而殷墟多数钮的浑铸或者榫接式后铸,均是技术选择的结果。
英文摘要: A knob became part of a bronze cover ever since the Upper Erligang culture. There were two casting techniques of it. This article discusses two bronze covers with their knobs cast first, as well as bronze wares produced by the zhumao technique. The zhumao casting technique can date back to the late Erligang culture, which might be related to bronze of the southern tradition. This technique was first employed in the casting of handles, and introduced to knob casting in the middle and late Shang period. The chronological study of this technique can reveal the social background. The craftsmen with this casting technique were located to Anyang, but were discriminated there. As a result, this technique vanished during the late Yinxu period. The casting techniques of bronze covers at Yinxu were out of technical choices.

