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中文题目: 《论宋代医书的知识来源与流传影响》
英文题目: On the Knowledge Source and Spread of the Medical Books in the Song Dynasty ——An Investigation on the Three Appendix Books of Tai Ping Hui Min He Ji Ju Fang
作 者: 韩毅    
刊物名称: 《中原文化研究》
发表年度: 2018
卷: 6
期: 5
页码: 41-48
中文摘要: 《太平惠民和剂局方》是宋朝政府颁布的中国医学史上第一部关于中成药的专书,也是世界医学史上最早有关制造成药的法定处方集。南宋宁宗嘉定元年,许洪奉旨校注《增广太平惠民和剂局方》10卷,在附录中增入《增广太平和剂图经本草药性总论》、《增广太平惠民和剂局方指南总论》、《增广太平惠民和剂局方诸品药石炮制总论》三部医学著作。三部附录著作不仅统一了《太平惠民和剂局方》中成药的配伍、炮制加工和制备方法,而且也极大地推动了中医辨证论治中“方证用药”诊疗模式的发展,即每一方剂对应着相对固定的疾病症状,使医家容易在临床上掌握、重复和验证。三部附录著作对《太平惠民和剂局方》中收集的、经过反复验试的诸家名方、诸局经验秘方等进行了详细的注解,这也是它在宋代及元明清时期受到医家重视和临证应用的根本原因。
英文摘要: Tai Ping Hui Min He Ji Ju Fang is the first book on Chinese Medicine published by the Song Dynasty government, and is also the earliest set of statutory prescriptions about the manufacture of medicine in the history of world medicine. In the first year of Jiading in ningzong in Southern Song Dynasty, Xu Hong was devoted to 10 volumes of Tai Ping Hui Min He Ji Ju Fang. In the appendix, he added into the three medical works of Zeng Guang Tai Ping He Ji Tu Jing Ben Cao Yao Xing Zong Lun and Zeng Guang Tai Ping He Ji Ju Fang Zhi Nan Zong Lun, and Zeng Guang Tai Ping He Ji Ju Fang Zhu Pin Yao Shi Pao Zhi Zong Lun. The three appendix books not only unified the compatibility, processing and preparation methods of Chinese medicine, but also greatly promoted the development of the diagnosis and treatment mode, that is, each prescription corresponds to the relatively fixed symptoms of disease, so that the doctors are easy to grasp, repeat and verify in clinical practice. The three appendices made a detailed annotation to the prescriptions collected in the books, which were also the fundamental reasons for its attention and application in the Song Dynasty and the Yuan Ming and Qing Dynasties.

