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中文题目: 从保寿孔与桅下硬币看古代欧亚间造船文化的传播
英文题目: On the spread of shipbuilding culture between ancient Europe and Asia from the tradition of hole in the keel and coin under the mast
作 者: 陈晓珊    
刊物名称: 海交史研究
发表年度: 2018
期: 2
页码: 70-85
中文摘要: 中国古代造船文化中有“保寿孔”习俗,即在龙骨上挖出小孔,其中放置铜钱或其它祈愿物品,用以祈求航行平安。而欧洲造船业自古罗马时期即有“桅下硬币”风俗,指在桅座上放置硬币等物以祈求幸运。本文对比了中西方古代造船业中放置祈愿物的类型、位置和演变情况,认为两者间的相似之处是因海上长期文化交流所致,保寿孔来源于中国内陆建筑中的“上梁钱”传统,并认为古代中国和欧洲均有在墓葬和建筑物中放置钱币或祈愿物的习惯,这是在海船上放置同类物品的文化基础,而相似的风俗也是促使这种造船文化传播并扩大影响的决定因素。
英文摘要: In ancient Chinese shipbuilding culture, the tradition of "hole in the keel" was digging holes in the keel, in which coins or other lucky charms were put in order to pray for safe sailing. The European shipbuilding industry had the tradition of "coin under the mast" since ancient Rome, which means to place coins and other lucky charms in the mast step to pray for luck. This paper compares the types, positions and evolution of the lucky charms in ancient China and Europe, and concludes that the similarities between them are due to the long-term marine cultural exchanges. The tradition of "hole in the keel" should originate from the architectural custom of "coin in the beam" in inland China. This paper holds that both ancient China and Europe have the habit of placing coins or lucky charms in tombs and buildings, which is the cultural basis for placing similar objects on sea ships.

