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中文题目: 元明时代的筹算开平方新法——连接传统筹算开平方与珠算开平方的桥梁
英文题目: The New Methods for Extracting Square Root in the Yuan and Ming Dynasties: the Bridge Connecting the Traditional Method for Extracting Square Root with Counting Rods and the Method for Extracting Square Root with Abacus
作 者: 牛腾    邹大海
刊物名称: 自然科学史研究
发表年度: 2018
卷: 37
期: 1
页码: 1-22
中文摘要: 除传统布算的筹算开平方法外,元末明初还出现了至少两种筹算开平方新法。它们与后来编成的算书中的几种筹算开平方新法,反映了在珠算趋于流行背景下筹算开平方法的改革。其共同特点是,各项均没有退位变化,这正是筹算开平方过渡到珠算开平方的关键一步。其中,筹算三层开平方法尤其适合改造成珠算商除开平方,这种改造的出现应不晚于16世纪上半叶,而可能更早。归除开平方法,是归除法与珠算商除开方法的结合,大约产生于16世纪六七十年代。从算理上讲,筹算开平方发展为珠算开平方的大致脉络为:传统筹算开平方到筹算开平方新法,到珠算商除开平方法,再到珠算归除开平方法。此外,文章针对没有说明算具的情况,还提出了能更加精确地判断珠算开方与筹算开方的标准。
英文摘要: In addition to the traditional method for extracting root with counting rods, there appeared at least two new methods for extraction of root with counting rods in the mathematical books during the period from late Yuan to early Ming dynasties. These methods and the other new methods in mathematical books composed in later period reflect the reform of the methods for extracting root with the counting rods in the context in which abacus was becoming popular. The feature of these methods in common is that all the terms placed with counting rods were never moved back. This is a key step of the transition from the extraction of square root with counting rods to that with abacus. Among these new methods, the three layers ones with counting rods were more suitable to be reformed into the shangchu method for extracting root with abacus, and this reform happened no later than the first half of 16th century, and maybe even earlier. The guichu method for extracting root is the combination of the guichu division and the shangchu method for extracting root with abacus, which was probably originated in 1560s or 1570s. In term of logic for the development of algorithm, we can summarize the general skeleton of the process in which the method for extracting square root with counting rods was developed into the method for extracting square root with abacus as follows: from the traditional method for extracting root with counting rods to the new methods for extracting root with counting rods, then to the shangchu method for extracting root with abacus, and finally to the guichu method for extracting root with abacus. Furthermore, in view of the situations in which the texts do not mention what calculating tools were used, this paper proposed new accurate standard with which we can distinguish the extraction of root with counting rods from the extraction of root with abacus.

