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中文题目: 20世纪20-30年代苏联液体火箭技术的发展
英文题目: Development of the Soviet Union's Liquid Rocket Technologies in the 1920s to the 1930s
作 者: 王芳    
刊物名称: 科学技术哲学研究
发表年度: 2018
卷: 35
期: 2
页码: 83-89
中文摘要: 这一时期在苏联蓬勃发展的太空探索文化中,孕育出一批优秀的火箭工程师,他们意识到液体火箭技术的优势,建立起火箭技术研究小组和机构,并从民间活动积极走向半官方支持开展研究。火箭工程师们进行了许多实践性的探索,积累了丰富的组织和科研经验,为后来苏联火箭技术的长足发展奠定了重要的人才基础。但在短时间内液体火箭技术还面临一些无法突破的障碍,之后的大清洗运动更是打断了技术的继续深入探索。
英文摘要: During the period, the flourishing culture of space exploration in the Soviet Union nurtured a pool of outstanding rocket engineers. On appreciating the advantages of liquid rocket technologies researches, these engineers established groups and institutes dedicated to rocket technologies, such civil initiatives later adopted official supports to conduct further researches. The pioneers carried out numerous experimental activities and accumulated a great deal of organizational and research experience, laying significant foundation for the talent pool necessary for the long-term development of the Soviet Union's rocket technologies. However, the development of liquid rocket technologies was at that time confronted with some obstacles unbreakable within a short term, and the Great Purge was another straw interrupting the in-depth exploration of rocket technologies.

