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中文题目: 新方法与旧占验——中国古代的“凌犯”观测与推算
英文题目: New Astronomical Method and the Old Astrology——Observation and Calculation of the encroachment “lingfan” in Ancient China
作 者: 李亮    
刊物名称: 科学技术哲学研究
发表年度: 2020
卷: 37
期: 1
页码: 73-79
中文摘要: 文章梳理了不同时期“凌犯”的定义及标准的差异,认为随着观测及推算精度的提高,凌犯的标准开始不断细化。在回回历法之前,中国传统历法无法预报凌犯,所以凌犯主要依据实际观测。因星占上的迫切需求,使得古代天象记录中存有数量庞大的凌犯观测记录。随着回回历法被用于凌犯推算,外来的新知识得以与旧有的中国传统星占相结合,成为重要的占验手段。明清之际,凌犯的地位不断上升,成为仅次于日月食的重要天象,还被作为一种有效的方法用于检验历法疏密。与此同时,随着西方天文学知识的传入,人们对凌犯认识和理解不断地深入,开始逐步质疑其在星占中的地位,新的天文知识也对旧的星占理论带来了新的挑战。
英文摘要: Based on the survey of various definitions and criterions of the astronomical phenomena“lingfan”in different periods of China,this paper points out that the standard of“lingfan”is constantly changing with the development of astronomy.Before the adoption of Huihui lifa,the Chinese traditional calendrical systems could not predict“lingfan”,and the records of“lingfan”were almost based on actual observations.Because of the huge demand in the astrology,there are a large number of records of“lingfan”in the texts related to celestial phenomena in ancient China.When Huihui lifa was used in the calculation of predicting“lingfan”,this new astronomical method began to serve the Chinese traditional astrology and became an important way for divination.During the Ming and Qing periods,the status of“lingfan”improved and it became an effective approach to exam the accuracy of calendar beside the solar and lunar eclipse.At the same time,with the introduction of the western astronomical knowledge,people understood the principle of“lingfan”better and began to question its rationality in astrology,and new astronomical knowledge brings a fresh challenge to the old astrological theory.

