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中文题目: (英文)从技术转让看意大利和中国最早的机车
英文题目: Earliest Locomotives in Italy and China from the Perspective of Technology Transfer
作 者: 方一兵    
刊物名称: Mechanisms and Machine Science
发表年度: 2022-08-01
卷: 122
页码: 25-33
中文摘要: Historical conditions and features of earliest stage of introducing loco?motive technology in Italy and China in 19th Century are outlined and compared. The paper presents how a technological innovation realized its global transfer in the 19th century and the differences between the developments in the two countries in terms of technology transfer.
英文摘要: Historical conditions and features of earliest stage of introducing loco?motive technology in Italy and China in 19th Century are outlined and compared. The paper presents how a technological innovation realized its global transfer in the 19th century and the differences between the developments in the two countries in terms of technology transfer.

