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  • Contributions of Italian Jesuits in Machinery Technology Transfer to China in the 16–18 th Centuries
Jounal : Advances in Italian Mechanism Science. IFToMM Italy 2022. Mechanisms and Machine Science
Author :     
YEAR : 2022-08-01
Vol. : 122
No. :
Page : 7-15
Abstract : Figures and technical dissemination work of Italian Jesuits are revised it to highlight main aspects that have produced introduction of all machine design with western characters in China. Results are presented from an investigation using illustrations and literature documents with the aim to emphasize the technological transfer in terms of conceptual and cultural aspects. The paper presented review of work activity and influence of early Italian judgment missionary in technological transfer on machine design to China. notes are reported also to explain the white vision of the missionary combining technology and culture in their mission. A specific analysis is reported by referring to main publications and cultural heritage of that pioneer activity.