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  • Developing Scientific Spirit and Craftsman Spirit, Constructing a Vision-Driven Self-Organizing Science
Jounal : 自然辩证法研究
Author : LIU Yi-dong, GAO Lu    
YEAR : 2023-05-18
Vol. : 39
No. : 05
Page : 17-23
Abstract :

Scientific research in China is transforming from the introduction,absorption and follow-up stage to the original innovation and self-strength-ening stage.During this period,the difficulty of scientific research will rise sharply,and the scientific research system characterized by“manager-takes-all”and“title only”could not be competent with the new development era.We can achieve our goals by pursuing the scientific spirit,facing challen-ges honestly and overcoming stubborn problems.Based on the developing scientific spirit,craftsman spirit and the profound application of the Internet andAI,this paper discusses how to realize a vision-driven self-organizing scientific research system.Vision-driven science plays a role in the macro,me-so and micro levels of scientific and technological development.Vision guides the cultivation of“forest”(science community)and helps the free growth of“trees”(individual scientist).Vison-driven science can help us deepen the science and technology system reform that guarantees both academic free-doms and adheres to the“four directions”to achieve Sci-tech self-reliance and self-strengthening at higher levels.Finally,this paper puts forward aplan based on the evaluation reform of scientific and technological talents.