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  • LIU Hui


Name: LIU Hui

Assistant Professor

Residence: 2011.7–now

Departments and research group: Department of History of Science and Technology in Pre-Modern China (Pre-Modern Department)




Donghua University, Ph.D. in Textile Engineering, 2006.3~2011.6



Research Interest/Areas


History of textile technology


Selected Publications


1.LIU Hui.Further Research on the Weaving Technique of Jin-silk in Tabby of Ancient China.Studies in the History of Natural Sciences2015(3).

2.LIU Hui.Study on the Weaving Technique of Jin-silk of the Han to Jin Dynasties Based on an Analysis of Archeological Evidence from Xinjiang.The Chinese Journal for the History of Science and Technology2015(4).

3. LIU Hui. A Review of Studies on Textiles of the Han to Jin Dynasty. The Chinese Journal for the History of Science and Technology 2013(2).

4. LIU Hui, ZHAO Feng. Study on braiding technique of braided fabrics with double structure in the Han an Jin Dynasty. SILK 2011(9).

5. LIU Hui, Kuang YangHua. An Analysis of the Technical and Artistic Characteristics of Jin-silk with Inscription Unearthed from XinJiang. Proceedings of the 86th Textile Institute World Conference,2008.

6. LIU Hui, Kuang YangHua. Silk Trade between the Byzantine Empire and China during 6thC-10thC. Proceedings of the 6th China International Silk Conference and the 2nd International Textile Forum,2007.




Address: Institute for the History of Natural Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences,


Beijing, 100190

Email: liuhui@ihns.ac.cn